Beroya Women Christ ambassadors

Our Vision (B.W.C.A)

Our Passion is to Reach Women in Cities and Villages through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to make them to serve God's Purpose for their Generation. Without being hindered by tradition. Empowered by the Holy Spirit to preach and teach Other women wherever they are.


  • To organize Conferences in Cities and Villages, to teach them what the Bible says about a woman .
  • Build a women's life through the Word of God, so that women can be better parents and guardians of the Families. Through the positive testimony of the life of Christ within a woman, we believe headbands and their families will be easier to lead them to believe in Christ.
  • To make women a blessing within the Church by empowering the of Pastor to achieve the vision of the local Church and to take the Gospel to the World.
  • To teach women how to use the gifts and Talent God has placed in them. As well as engaging in handicrafts such as herding, vegetables gardening, weaving and business. Their Income will be a blessing to their families and to the Kingdom of God.
  • Our passion is to add value to the communities we serve by engaging in training, equipping and empowering local women to serve the wider community. Though training mentoring and personal development we seek to encourage the current and next generation of leaders.
  • Our aim is to positively affect every aspect and sphere of community life with a focus on faith, family life community cohesion, education and training, coaching and mentoring

Beroya Women Christ Staff

Grace R Mgambi

Chairperson of Beroya Woman Christ ambassadors

Haikael Mgonja

Former Chairperson of Beroya Women Christ Ambassadors.

Joyce Marwa

Secretary of Beroya Women Christ ambassadors

Dina Said

Treasurer of Beroya woman Christ ambassadors.